
Holy Week in Andalusia.



Holy Week in Andalusia.

Arriving in Andalusia at Easter, one should only allow oneself to be seduced by one's own senses: breathe in the aroma that permeates the environment, a mixture of incense and orange blossom; be moved by the song of a saeta or listen to the silence of a respectful crowd...

Throughout these seven days, Andalusia is transformed and Andalusians take to the streets to celebrate Holy Week. You will discover images of great artistic richness that walk through the streets between the lights of the candles, the color of the Nazarene tunics and the music of the bands of drums and bugles. All this, together with the smells of incense and orange blossom, makes magic arise and awakens a feeling of privilege in everyone who witnesses it.

Feel the emotion of the traditional and multitudinous "madrugá" of Seville; live the passion with the "Lord" of Malaga, El Cautivo; go after the passage of the Christ of the Gypsies in the hills of Sacromonte in Granada; witness the solemnity of Good Friday with the "Santo Entierro" in Huelva; witness the departure of "El Abuelo" at dawn on Good Friday from the Cathedral of Jaén; feel the passion and dedication of the brothers and brotherhoods of Cádiz; walk the streets of Córdoba between its silences, the song of a saeta, the sound of the foreman's bells... or be exceptional witnesses of the meetings of the brotherhoods of Almería.


Holy Week in Andalusia is the annual Christian commemoration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and one of the most genuine expressions of Andalusian Christian feeling. It is a phenomenon of a sociocultural, tourist and economic nature of great importance in the community, deeply rooted among its inhabitants, who participate massively in it, giving rise to the most diverse approaches, from the strictest orthodoxy to a merely cultural vision.
Through the processions that take place in hundreds of towns and cities, organized by the brotherhoods, steps with images or sculptural groups, sometimes of great historical-artistic value, are taken out into the street, representing scenes of the Passion, Death and Resurrection. . These are accompanied by an important procession of penitents or Nazarenes, wearing the habit of the brotherhood, carrying candles or crosses, as well as lanterns, banners, as well as women with mantillas and musical accompaniment.
Holy Week in Malaga (1980), Granada (2009) and Seville (1980) are cataloged as being of international tourist interest, and Holy Week in Jerez de la Frontera (1993), Cabra (1989), Río Gordo (1997), Baena (2001) and Almeria (2017). In another Range are those declared only of Tourist Interest by the Secretary of State of the Government of Spain, which falls within the Holy Week of Arcos de la Frontera (1980), Puente Genil (1980), Baeza (1980), Úbeda (1980) , Jaén (1981) and Huercal Olvera (1983). At the next level comes the turn of those declared of national tourist interest by the Junta de Andalucía, which are Córdoba, Écija, Ayamonte, Antequera, Castro del Río, Marchena, Huelva, Utrera, Lucena and dozens of other Andalusian municipalities. In addition, in 2006 the Andalusian government declared Holy Week in Andalusia a general festival of Tourist Interest in Andalusia due to its unique and cultural characteristics and its tourist importance.
In the province of Cádiz, and belonging to both the Diocese of Asidonia Jerez and that of Cádiz-Ceuta, the Holy Weeks of the following towns are also declared of Tourist Interest: La Línea de la Concepción, Alcalá del Valle, Arcos de la Frontera, Olvera, Espera, Setenil de las Bodegas, and San Roque
In our region, they are La Línea de La Concepción and San Roque, which have the qualification of Tourist Interest, so we recommend our visitors and friends especially in La Línea de la Concepción, on the night of Holy Thursday. and that of Good Friday, and in San Roque, the procession of "La Magna", which is traditionally celebrated on Good Friday. Enjoy our traditions.
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